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The STRIVE Experience Q&A

Get answers to common questions about our academy classes for students and parents.

Q: I want to send my kids to the class but the cost is a factor.

A: Our goal is to maintain a level of engagement that offers a greater value than the cost. Due to the hands-on nature there are materials and costs associated with teaching at this level. We believe the lifetime skills and introduction to hands-on learning far outweigh the costs associated with the class.

Q: Can parents watch or be part of the class?

A: Parents are welcome to stay on the property and observe the class, but they should not interact with the instruction or participate in any activities. We have received interest in offering a program for parents and students to take a class together, so stay tuned for updates on those!

Q: Do you have insurance coverage?

A: We do have insurance just encase an accident does occur, but safety is a priority and we will make sure students are comfortable with any tools prior to using them.

Q: Do you offer a weekly program?

A: We currently do not have an on going program, but we are working in that direction. If you have any suggestions we would love to hear them!

Q: Where will classes be held?

A: Initial classes will be held on our property and will eventually be held at a central location in Argyle.

Q: Will students be able to take more advanced classes?

A: Yes, we are working on higher level classes taught by trade professionals and also partnering with on-line schools with advanced virtual learning and accreditations.
